
Beeston Methodist Church

Current Ministerial Team

Ministers of Beeston Methodist Church

Key Dates

Chilwell Road Methodist Church


Music Groups

Clarke’s Lane Methodist Church
Inham Nook Methodist Church

Queen’s Road Methodist Church

The Church Organ 1944-1993


Pantomimes List

Wollaton Road Methodist Church




Beeston Benevolent Society

Carol Choir


History of Beeston Methodist Church

2014 & 2016:  Beeston Methodist Church became one church from 1st September 2014, bringing together the people, commitment, energies and resources of Chilwell Road, Clarke’s Lane, Inham Nook, Queen’s Road and Wollaton Road Methodist Churches.  The church started worshipping together for all services from Easter Sunday 27th March 2016.

2019:  Final thanksgiving services were held at Queen’s Road on Sunday 28th April 2019 and at Wollaton Road on Sunday 19th May 2019 and these buildings were sold.  Beeston Methodist Church united at the Chilwell Road building for all services from Aldersgate Sunday 26th May 2019.

2020 & 2021:  Services and other meetings were interrupted by a Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic but some continued as online meetings.  Live services resumed after 15 months.

2023:  The church building Redevelopment Project planning application was approved.  This followed two years of extra fundraising under the title “Mission Possible”.

2024:  Beeston Methodist Church celebrated its tenth anniversary.  Special morning services in September were followed by celebration cakes!


Further Information 

See the List of Ministers of Beeston Methodist Church and the histories of the previous churches (above).