Methodism sings its theology and all our services include congregational hymns and songs.
We are fortunate in having a fine, well-preserved pipe-organ in our church which is usually used for morning worship and for festival services. Built by Wadsworth Bros of Manchester in 1902 and enlarged by Henry Willis of London in 1957, it is a 3-manual tracker-action instrument in a pine case. The organ comes into its own when accompanying congregational hymn-singing from “Singing the Faith” (the current Methodist hymn-book) and is indispensable at weddings and funerals.
Other services and songs are accompanied by the Woodchester piano and music during communion is sometimes provided by solo instruments and the piano.
Monthly All-Age Worship services, more informal and suitable for all ages, often include worship songs chosen from “Let’s Praise” and “Singing the Faith”. They are usually accompanied by an all-age band of strings, woodwind, brass and percussion with guitars, piano and keyboard.
Rather than have a regular choir, additional choral music (eg introits and anthems, vespers and carols) is provided on occasion by the Sunday Singers.
The church is regularly used for concerts given by visiting orchestras, choirs, ensembles and bands. Ticket income from these normally benefits our current church charities.
Choral Events
Occasionally, singers from the church combine with those from other local churches to sing larger-scale works. These have included modern musicals like Roger Jones’ “Saints Alive!”, “Jairus’ Daughter”, “David” and “Greater Than Gold” (published by Christian Music Ministries), and traditional oratorios and cantatas like “Olivet to Calvary”.
Music for Christmas begins with our Advent Carol Service.
At Christmas, the Carol Choir tours Beeston and Chilwell with its traditional carols. Singing dates and places are listed under Events and in the Calendar in the period before Christmas.
We share an annual Carol Service with Beeston Parish Church, alternating between the two church buildings.
Rehearsal Rooms Available
The Guild Room with its upright piano is regularly hired by choirs and other musical groups for rehearsals. Enquire at the Church Office.
In 1830, a lace twist hand and musician called John Newton (1802-1886) formed our choir and became organist. He composed the tune “Sovereignty” to the hymn “Great God of Wonders”.
The Choirs, Carol Choir, Organ and Church History sections give further historical background about choirs, the organ and other music at our church.
For Reflection
A more reflective section gives you opportunity to think about your own responses and opinions on our “vision” for music at our church.