On the Community Page is a list of various activities which are organised by church members.
These activities rely on the help and support of many volunteers and what is required may not always be obvious.
These are some examples.
Toddler and Baby Groups – Each group has a leader and help is needed to serve refreshments from the coffee bar.
Warm Space – This is a new initiative and help is needed to welcome people, chat and serve drinks.
Wholly Ground Cafe – roles include setting up tables and chairs, baking cakes, preparing food in the church kitchen,
making drinks, serving food and drinks and washing up.
Open Space Lunch Club (monthly) – setting up tables and chairs, preparing food, serving food and tidying up afterwards.
30th Nottingham Girls’ Brigade – The group meets at the Pearson Centre and has girls of various ages. Help with
particular activities, e.g craft is appreciated.
Church Charities – the main event is the monthly coffee morning with refreshments and stalls. Help is also required
at concerts and other events.
Green Disciples – work on the garden and grounds is ongoing and there is an Incredible Edible herb garden