Choirs and Music Groups

Methodism sings its theology and all our services include congregational hymns and songs.
Methodism was born in song.”  (First sentence of the Preface to “The Methodist Hymn-Book”, 1933.)

The Church Band

Monthly All-Age Worship services, fairly informal and suitable for all ages, are usually accompanied by an all-age band of strings, woodwind, brass and percussion with guitars, piano and keyboard. The Church Band meets to practice for an hour on the Sunday morning before these services. Andrew Taylor usually organises and leads but sometimes other people organise and lead smaller groups, including groups with singers.

Sunday Singers

Rather than have a regular choir, additional choral music (eg introits and anthems, vespers and carols) is provided on occasion by the Sunday Singers. The Sunday Singers meet regularly (fortnightly on Friday evenings) but individuals are free to choose whether to rehearse for each next occasion. Chris Bridges co-ordinates, leads and conducts.

Beeston Methodist Carol Choir

At Christmas, the Carol Choir tours Beeston and Chilwell with its traditional carols.

Historical Note:  John Newton (1802-1886)

In 1830, following a decline in the lace trade, a twist hand and musician called John Newton moved from Nottingham to Beeston, where he was asked to form a choir at the new chapel on Chapel Street and to act as organist.  He had already composed many hymn tunes and anthems, the most famous surviving tune being “Sovereignty” to the hymn “Great God of Wonders”.  It was included in “The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes” (1933) and in “Hymns & Psalms” (1983) but not in “Singing the Faith” (2011).  He made a great impact on the musical life of the church and our long choral tradition owes much to his training.

This John Newton (1802-1886) was a great-grandfather of novelist D H Lawrence (1885-1930); he was not the John Newton (1725-1807) who wrote the words of “Amazing Grace” and other well-known hymns.

Further Information

The Music section gives general information about music at our church and the Church History section gives further historical background about the church.