
Sunday Services have resumed in church at 10.30 a.m. and there is an evening service at 6.30 p.m. on the first, third and fifth Sundays. The morning service is also streamed live using ‘Zoom’, and can be caught up here on YouTube.

Morning Worship, starting at 10.30am

This is our main service where we gather for worship for around one hour. We have a communion service once a month, and also once a month a Family Worship where the service is particularly appropriate for children and young people. Your youngsters (ages 2 and a half to 18 years) are welcome to join Junior Church that meets each Sunday morning, a Family Room is available.

Evening Worship starting at 6:30pm

This second service is quieter and more reflective than the principal service in the morning, with a communion service once a month.

As well as Sunday services, we offer the following for children

Junior Church, meet at the same time as the Morning Worship.

Catering for children and young people from the age of 0 to 18 years. More Information

To see the full Circuit Plan of the Nottingham Trent Valley Circuit please click here,

Services Calendar