
An Evening with John and Carita McCrire from LIV Village South Africa
Jul 26 @ 6:30 pm

liv-logoWe are hosting an Evening John and Carita McCrire from LIV Village South Africa. They are in Nottingham for a couple of days during a 3-month tour of the UK and really wanted to come and share some time with Beeston Methodist Church to update us not only on village life but also to thank us for our continued support for the work on the village.

This evening coincides with the return of our own group who have been out at the the LIV Village in Durban for the last few weeks and we thought it would be great opportunity to share something of that trip.


After we have heard from Jono, Carita and our oen intrepid explorers we will have a bring-and-share meal together, if you plane to join us please sign-up on the sheet in the coffee bar, making sure you read the information about Health and Safety.

Please come along and support this evening. It will be a time of real celebration for the work that goes on at LIV and the ongoing relationship we have with them.



Service of Remembering: Rev Matthew Fugill and Rev Alistair Jones @ Beeston Methodist Church
Nov 18 @ 5:00 pm
Christingle kits and music (Christingle service cancelled this year)
Dec 21 @ 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm

4.00pm-4.30pm Christingle kits and music (Christingle service cancelled this year).

Because of the developing covid situation and the informal, communal nature of a Christingle Service we have reluctantly decided that it will now not take place. Instead, on Tuesday, we will be giving out packs containing the components of the Christingles at the front of church between 4pm and 4.30pm. Anyone is welcome to come along and collect a kit to assemble at home. At the same time the church will be open for anyone who wants to come in and sit with their own thoughts and prayers whilst Christmas music is playing.