
BMC Junior Church – Theme: God unlimited @ Beeston Methodist Church
Sep 30 @ 10:30 am

10:30am – BMC Junior Church –  Theme: Roots, God unlimited

30 September – 6 October 2018milky_way
God unlimited

Mark 9.38-50

When the disciples see someone casting out demons in Jesus’ name, Jesus says, ‘Whoever is not against us is for us.’ He warns his disciples not to put any stumbling block in the way of those who believe in him.

This week’s resources explore: not putting limits on God; what it means to act in the name of Christ.

Lectionary Bible readings for RCL Proper 21 Year B

Numbers 11.4-6,10-16,24-29;
Psalm 19.7-14;
James 5.13-20;
Mark 9.38-50
BMC Junior Church – Theme: Love and blessing @ Beeston Methodist Church
Oct 7 @ 10:30 am

10:30am – BMC Junior Church –  Theme: Roots, Love and blessing

7 – 13 October 2018
Love and blessinglove_asl
Mark 10.2-16

Some Pharisees test Jesus by asking about divorce. In response, Jesus honours the ideal of marriage and the equality of both partners. When the disciples try to stop people bringing children to Jesus, he says that the kingdom of God involves childlike acceptance.

This week’s resources explore: poetic images of love; dealing compassionately with difficult issues.

Lectionary Bible readings for RCL Proper 22 Year B

Genesis 2.18-24; Psalm 8; Hebrews 1.1-4; 2.5-12; Mark 10.2-16
BMC Junior Church – Theme: Unexpected answers @ Beeston Methodist Church
Oct 14 @ 10:30 am

clutter10:30am – BMC Junior Church –  Theme: Roots, Unexpected answers

14 – 20 October 2018
Unexpected answers
Mark 10.17-31

A rich man asks Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus challenges him to sell his possessions and give the money to the poor. Jesus says that it is hard for rich people to enter the kingdom, and that following him involves sacrifice.

This week’s resources explore: attitudes to possessions; what is a good life?

Lectionary Bible readings for RCL Proper 23 Year B

Amos 5.6-7,10-15; Psalm 90.12-17; Hebrews 4.12-16; Mark 10.17-31
BMC Junior Church – Theme: Power games @ Beeston Methodist Church
Oct 21 @ 10:30 am

stephen_hawking10:30am – BMC Junior Church –  Theme: Roots, Power games

21 – 27 October 2018
Power games
Mark 10.35-45

Jesus reprimands two of his closest disciples for letting their ambitions be tainted by the example of earthly rulers. He says to all the disciples that they will achieve true greatness only by their service to others.

This week’s resources explore: unconventional greatness; unconditional service.

Lectionary Bible readings for RCL Proper 24 Year B

Isaiah 53.4-12; Psalm 91.9-16; Hebrews 5.1-10; Mark 10.35-45
BMC Junior Church – Theme: Unconventional discipleship @ Beeston Methodist Church
Oct 28 @ 10:30 am

10:30am – BMC Junior Church –  Theme: Roots, Unconventional discipleship phones

28 October – 3 November 2018
Unconventional discipleship

A blind beggar persistently calls out to Jesus, ‘Son of David, have mercy on me!’ Jesus tells him that his faith has made him well. Immediately, the man is able to see again, and becomes a follower of Jesus.

This week’s resources explore: the gifts of sight and insight; something to shout about.

Lectionary Bible readings for RCL Proper 25 Year B

Jeremiah 31.7-9; Psalm 126; Hebrews 7.23-28; Mark 10.46-52
BMC Junior Church – Theme: Do your duty? @ Beeston Methodist Church
Nov 11 @ 10:30 am

10:30am – BMC Junior Church –  Theme: Roots, Do your duty? p13_ww1_soldier

11 – 17 November 2018
Do your duty?

Jesus is critical of the greed he sees in Jerusalem and its Temple, contrasting the large donations made by rich people with the tiny, but proportionally much greater, amount given by a poor widow.

This week’s resources explore: sacrificial giving; God’s concern for those in need.

Lectionary Bible readings for RCL Proper 27 Year B

1 Kings 17.8-16; Psalm 146; Hebrews 9.24-28; Mark 12.38-44
BMC Junior Church – Theme: Beyond destruction @ Beeston Methodist Church
Nov 18 @ 10:30 am

10:30am – BMC Junior Church –  Theme: Roots, Beyond destructionp17_abstract_no_2

18 – 24 November 2018
Beyond destruction
Mark 13.1-8

In response to a disciple’s admiration of the Temple, Jesus predicts its complete destruction.
He warns his followers against the attractions of leaders who make empty promises.

This week’s resources explore: holding on to the vision of Jesus in a messy world

Lectionary Bible readings for RCL Proper 28 Year B

Daniel 12.1-3; Psalm 16; Hebrews 10.11-14(15-18)19-25; Mark 13.1-8
Service of Remembering: Rev Matthew Fugill and Rev Alistair Jones @ Beeston Methodist Church
Nov 18 @ 5:00 pm
BMC Junior Church – Theme: Through the looking glass @ Beeston Methodist Church
Nov 25 @ 10:30 am

p21_crown_him_with_jewels10:30am – BMC Junior Church –  Theme: Roots, Through the looking glass

25 November – 1 December 2018
Through the looking glass
John 18.33-37

Jesus’ conversation with Pilate brings the representatives of earthly and heavenly rule face to face. They use the same words about kingship, but mean very different things.

This week’s resources explore: heavenly and earthly kingship; discerning the truth.

Lectionary Bible readings for RCL Christ the King Year B

Daniel 7.9-10,13-14; Psalm 93; Revelation 1.4b-8; John 18.33-37